Beta Pharma is aiming to be trusted in the pharmaceutical industry by translating expectations into actions.
About Us
Beta Pharma is aiming to be trusted in the pharmaceutical industry by translating expectations into actions.
Enriches the market with affordable, highly effective pharmaceutical products that improve lives and deliver outstanding values to our customer:
To achieve our mission and realize our vision we must live by our value, these values reflects how we seek to relate to patients, physicians, pharmacists, employees and communities we serve:
Beta pharma is committed to excellence in results we achieve, and in how we achieve them:
Beta pharma is meeting the needs and striving to exceed the expectations of those we serve through continuous improving.
Beta Pharma promotes a diverse culture and commitment to mutually respect our employees:
Treat others with dignity and respect, Embrace and encourage new ideas, Cultivate individual talents, Celebrate achievements, Foster an environment of trust, Encourage open and honest dialogue and Embrace diversity to drive business results.
In Beta pharma we put our PEOPLE first, to serve our customer best.
Beta pharma value teamwork- working together to achieve common goals is the foundation of our success:
Be flexible and responsive, Think and work across boundaries, Share knowledge and information freely, Seek input and listen and Talk personal ownership for collaborating with others
Beta pharma have a high standard goals.. So we always ACT and drive our business in different and ethical manners to stay original.SO WE WORK THROUGH,BE DIFFERENT..STAY ORIGINAL
We are continuously planning to grow into a well-established pharmaceutical company with business throughout the world, including Africa, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas within the next ten years.
During the past few years we have succeeded to introduce some of our products to Saudi Arabia, Keniya and Djibouti and still expanding.
We Are Happy To Serve You
We Work Hard To Achieve Your Dreams